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Measures against coronavirus and status of facilities

Thank you for your continued support of Fujita Kanko Group facilities.
Reflecting our utmost priority on the safety and security of customers, we have taken the following measures against COVID-19 since late January. With the aim of further preventing the spread of the disease, we will continue to implement these measures and suspend or reduce the operations of some facilities.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

■ Measures for Customers
① We place alcohol sanitizers throughout our facilities for customers to sanitize their hands and fingers.
② We ask customers with a fever, cough, sore throat or pain in the limbs to wear a mask.
③ We ask customers from overseas about their physical condition and where they have recently traveled when checking in.
④We ventilate and clean guest rooms and disinfect their door knobs, toilet seats, etc. as instructed by the public health center.
⑤ We regularly sterilize areas in public spaces that customers often touch (stairway handrails, elevator buttons, front counters, toilet door knobs, faucets, etc.) and maintain ventilation.
⑥ We stopped providing buffet-style meals and serve set meals instead.
⑦ We are refraining from hosting large-scale events.

■ Measures for Employees
① We instruct all employees to wear masks, gargle, wash hands, ventilate rooms, and practice good etiquette when coughing.
② We request staggered commuting and working from home (telework) as much as possible.
③ We restrict group training, meetings and business trips (domestic and overseas) and require all employees who privately travel overseas to stay home for 14 days upon returning (regardless of destination).
④ We check the health of all employees every day they arrive at work. If they have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, or a referred symptom, we suspend their work and follow the instructions of a medical institution.

■ Status of Facilities
For information on the suspension or reduction of business operations, please refer to the official website of the particular Fujita Kanko Group facilities.


April 2020
Fujita Kanko Inc.

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