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The Fujita Kanko website can now be viewed in Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Korean as well as English and Japanese. Visitors from all over the world can enjoy content covering not only Fujita Kanko facilities, but also wide-ranging topics such as traditional Japanese culture, cuisine and seasonal events including cherry blossom viewing and fireworks displays as described by our informed concierges.

Founded in 1955, Fujita Kanko is renowned for its fine hotels, restaurants and historical assets. Among these are Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo with its gardens and three-storied Registered Tangible Cultural Property; Hakone Kowakien Ten-yu where you can enjoy hot springs and Japanese cuisine; and the popular WHG Hotels chain.
We currently have over 80 facilities in Japan and abroad and the number keeps growing. In 2018, we opened a glamping facility at the foot of Mount Fuji, Hotel Gracery Seoul in Korea, and a hotel with halal certified restaurant in Tokyo’s popular tourist area Asakusa. We also plan to open facilities under a new brand in Jakarta, Osaka and Fukui in 2019.

Fujita Kanko official website

■ Japanese
For details, visit: https://www.fujita-kanko.co.jp/

■ English
For details, visit: https://fujita-kanko.com/

■ Simplified Chinese
For details, visit: https://fujita-kanko.com/cn/

■ Traditional Chinese
For details, visit: https://fujita-kanko.com/tw/

■ Korean
For details, visit: https://fujita-kanko.com/ko/

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