Now is the best season for Japanese tea

Japanese tea leaves picked from the end of April to the end of May are called Ichiban-cha (first-grade tea) because they are brimming with flavor and sweetness from amino acids that accumulate in the winter.


In Japan, green tea is traditionally served after meals to relax diners. It also plays a central role in Japanese tea ceremonies, which elevate the serving and drinking of green tea to an art form. These ceremonies are deeply rooted in Zen Buddhism and the wabi-sabi tradition of transience and imperfection, with every movement choreographed and every item from utensils to tea room wall decorations meticulously arranged.


The traditional Zangetsu Japanese tea room at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo is registered as a tangible cultural property. Here in the midst of a Japanese garden, hotel guests can experience the elegance of a traditional tea ceremony from which Japanese hospitality is said to have originated.
Please feel free to contact us.

â– Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)

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